Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bandai Surveillance Bot

With the economy the way it is, it’s not impossible to imagine someone breaking into your abode and stealing your precious, precious servers filled with archived Botropolis articles, then selling them on the black market for thousands of dollars. This nightmarish scenario could happen to anyone, so you best be prepared. What better way to keep an eye on home sweet home while you’re out then with a disinterested, efficient, logical robot.
The NetTansorWeb from Bandai is essentially a souped up surveillance cam. It can be remotely controlled via the internet, and it can send pictures and reports to a computer or mobile phone. It avoids obstacles so that it can navigate your home and keep everything under control. Apparently it can also assist with your blogging endeavors by monitoring the comments section and performing simple blog actions, but, all told, “blog-related capabilities appear to be a gimmick.”
NetTansorWeb was shown at Robot Japan 2008. It should be in the consumer sphere by December for about ¥50,000 ($525). No word on whether or not this beaut will be available in the states, but let’s hope…for the sake of our security.

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